Welcome to Sandpyper !¶
- Tools for automatic UAV-SfM beach volumetric and behavioural analysis -
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/npucino/sandpyper/tree/master/sandpyper
- Documentation: https://npucino.github.io/sandpyper/
- PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/sandpyper/
- Notebook examples: https://github.com/npucino/sandpyper/tree/master/examples
- Free software: MIT license
Sandpyper is an open-source Python package that allows a user to perform UAV-SfM volumetric and behavioural monitoring of sandy beaches in an automated and efficient way.
Key Features¶
- create user-defined georeferenced cross-shore transects along a line
- extract elevation (from DSMs) and color (from orthophotos) information from folders containing hundreds of rasters
- use unsupervised machine learning and user-provided polygon masks to clean the profiles from unwanted non-sand points and swash zone
- compute altimetric and volumetric timeseries analysis
- use spatial autocorrelation measures to discard spatial outliers and obtain statistically significant Hotspots/Coldspots areas of beach change at the site scale
- compute Beachface Cluster Dynamics indices (Pucino et al., 2021) at the site and transect scales
- compute limits of detections
- plot and visualise beach change and dynamics
Additionally, a new module called space is being developed to groudtruth satellite-derived shorelines with UAV-derived shorelines. Currently, it allows:
- spatial grid generation along a line (waterline, shoreline)
- extraction and export of tiles (from the grid) of multispectral satellite imagery
- waterline to shoreline simple tidal correction
- waterline /shoreline error assessments
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the giswqs/pypackage project template.
Last update: 2021-10-13